
Showing posts from February, 2018

Representation of Data (Graphs)

Majority of people or groups of people use graphs to portray their data that they have calculated. These graphs can be similar or different in a lot of way. With graphs, a person can tell if the display is reliable data or not. There are specific details that one can find to ensure that the graph has data that is correct. Image Source This is an example (Image 1) of a good graph because it shows what it is calculating and shows a calculation for every year. It tells the viewers what the X and Y are standing for and it is a very easy graph to read. Image Source As seen in Image 2 a person can tell this is an example of a bad graph. Looking at the graph above it is hard to understand what they are calculating and what its purpose is. The visual for this graph is so unappealing because it doesn't tell you what it is computing. It is hard to tell what level each to the "Halons"...